Florida Voter's Guide - An informational and educational tool for the 2014 elections


Welcome to the

Republic of Florida Online Voter Guide

This Voters Guide has been prepared to provide information about candidates and measures in the upcoming November 2014 statewide election. By following the links at the left, you will be able to view candidate information, and see the general information about any ballot measures.




What to expect from this guide

We will all certainly agree that our union is in a state of flux and each of us, without total agreement, is searching for answers. The key to our future lies in the past. Nations that have relied on the strength of their governments rather than the self-determination of their citizens have perished from this earth. And while we have been sleeping these past 149 years, a different king has emerged in our midst. Let's be honest with ourselves ... can we deny it? Many of us have not learned, have forgotten, or have been misled regarding the history and reasoning behind the formation of the united States and their government.

These are strong words, and yet, "We the people of the State of Florida", truly do yearn to be free; free to control our borders, free to use our land in ways we see fit, free from oppressive taxes, free to control our schools, free to enact laws that will benefit our citizens and so much more, all without Federal intervention.

In this regard, and as election 2014 approaches, we offer this non partisan guide in in presenting the attitude and intent of those who wish to be elected to represent the citizens of the Great State of Florida.

Candidates were asked to respond to a series of questions chosen for their application to Political Sovereignty, Morality, Immigration, Financial and other issues of the day important to Florida. We understand that many candidates will necessarily be non-responsive as they prefer we view them as being seen with their spouse, kids and family dog while espousing such vacuous slogans as, "I stand for seniors", "I support children" or "I favor families, the environment and the working man". However, the positions they seek often require a deeper understanding of the common law they ask for our approval to uphold and those hopefuls should be held to a higher standard.

The results of this questionnaire are being widely distributed to our electorate, through this guide, thus allowing our voters to better understand the loyalty and political competency of our would-be leaders and make a more informed ballot choice.

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