God's Ten Commandments were placed in the public square in the State of Alabama.

The Court of the general government of the United States said "Move 'Em Out".
Many say this order is against the intent of the First Amendment.
Others say Church and State must be separated and the federals should rule the day.
But, should the feds be allowed to interfere with the states in this manner?
What do you think? Is the U.S. government overstepping its bounds, or do the states owe their allegiance to their every dictate?
Join our survey and see what others think.

Church vs. State?
Should Christian Symbols, Such As The Ten Commandments, Be Allowed On State Property?
  Yes - Our country was founded on Christian principals.
  Yes - This is a states right issue. The federal government has no right to interfere.
  No - Government and religion don't mix. The feds have every right to order their removal.
   I'm unsure - I don't want to get involved.

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